How Do You Vote for the House of Representatives

Past voting at elections for the Firm of Representatives the people of each electoral division (also called an electorate or a constituency) select a person to stand for them in the House. By selecting their representatives the voters, or electors, indirectly select the nation'southward government, because the government is formed from the political party or brotherhood of parties (coalition) which has a majority (or the support of a bulk) of the Members of the House of Representatives.

When are elections held?

Under Australia's Constitution each House of Representatives may last no more than than three years from the commencement meeting of the House after an election, but may be dissolved sooner. Full general elections are then held to elect all Members of the Firm of Representatives, according to the timetable below.

If a seat in the Business firm becomes vacant between general elections, for example, if a Fellow member resigns or dies, a past-ballot is held to elect a new Fellow member to represent that electorate until the next full general ballot.

Who can represent ballot?

Candidates for election must be Australian citizens and be eligible to vote. Senators, Members of Land Parliaments, public servants, including defence personnel, and officers of the Electoral Committee are not eligible to become Members of the House of Representatives and must resign their position if they wish to nominate for election to the Business firm. Some public service bodies take arrangements to let unsuccessful candidates to rejoin the public service after the election. People who are citizens of, or hold allegiance to, a foreign land; who are undischarged bankrupts; or who have been convicted of certain offences are also non eligible to get Members.

Candidates must be nominated by a political party or by at least 100 electors of the electorate to exist contested. Still, a sitting Member who was elected equally an independent needs nomination by but i elector, if they wish to stand again for the same seat. On nomination candidates pay a deposit of $2,000. This is returned if the candidate is elected or receives at to the lowest degree four per cent of the (first preference) votes bandage in the electorate.

Who votes?

Australian citizens who are eighteen years of age or older are required to enrol as voters unless they are non eligible because, for instance, they are of 'an unsound listen' or serving a sentence of imprisonment of three years or more. Voting is compulsory for all people enrolled. People who do not vote may be fined.

Who conducts the election?

The Australian Electoral Commission, a statutory authority headed by the Balloter Commissioner, is responsible for the assistants of all Commonwealth electoral matters including, for case, the conduct of elections, the maintenance of up to date lists of electors (electoral rolls) and the cartoon of electorate boundaries. An election takes place in response to a formal order (writ) from the Governor-General (or the Speaker in the example of a by-election) requiring the Electoral Commissioner to conduct an election. For a general election a single writ is issued for each state and territory.

AEC staff counting the votes on an election day

AEC staff counting the votes on an election 24-hour interval


The ballot paper for each electoral division lists candidates' names and shows the parties they represent (if they do non represent a party, candidates may request to be shown as an 'Independent'). Candidates are listed in a random order, determined by drawing lots.

The organization of voting used in elections for the Firm of Representatives is preferential, that is, voters have to rank all candidates in club of preference—they may not simply vote for one candidate. Voters are directed to mark their vote on the ballot paper by placing numbers in the squares contrary the names of the candidates then as to indicate their order of preference, for case, if there are three candidates, by writing the numbers 1, 2 and 3 in the appropriate squares. Ballot papers which are incorrectly filled out (informal) are not valid and are not included in the count.

Preferential voting is designed to produce the election of the candidate who is well-nigh representative of the wishes of an electorate. To be successful a candidate must be supported by the majority (that is, more half) of voters. This system is considered fairer than a non-preferential (showtime-by-the-mail) system under which the candidate with the most votes is elected, even though he or she may take support from less than half the voters.

The result—declaration of the poll and return of the writs

The result of each election is announced (declared) as presently equally possible subsequently counting has been completed in the electoral division. Following a general election, when the results for all divisions have been alleged the Electoral Commissioner certifies on each writ the name of the successful candidate for each division and returns the writs to the Governor-General, who in plow forwards them to the Clerk of the House of Representatives.

The validity of an ballot may be challenged by a petition addressed to the Courtroom of Disputed Returns (the High Court acting in a special capacity). This may occur if it is alleged that a candidate was non eligible to go a Member for one of the reasons listed earlier in this infosheet or if information technology is claimed that there has been some irregularity in the election process.

Disclosure of income and expenditure, public funding

All candidates are required to make returns to the Electoral Committee detailing any donations they take received for balloter purposes and electoral expenditure they take incurred or authorised. Political parties also take to submit annual returns or copies of their audited accounts. Disclosure laws also use to other people involved in the balloter procedure. This information is publicly available on the Electoral Commission website.

Candidates who receive at least 4 per cent of the (first preference) vote are reimbursed for electoral expenses by a specified amount for each such vote they receive. Election funding is paid either to a registered political party on behalf of each endorsed candidate or is paid directly to a candidate who is not endorsed by a registered political party. This corporeality (which was approximately $2.75 per vote for the election held on xviii May 2019) is indexed for inflation.

Electoral divisions

Commonwealth of australia is currently divided into 151 electoral divisions, each represented by one Member. Under the Constitution each existing land is guaranteed at least v Members, but all states except Tasmania now have more, the numbers depending on their population. States may gain or lose Members every bit a result of population movements. Because of Australia's uneven distribution of population, electoral divisions differ greatly in area, ranging from 32 sq. km (Grayndler, NSW) to over 1.half-dozen 1000000 sq. km (Durack, WA). At June 2019, in that location was an average of approximately 109,718 electors per electorate.

Electoral boundaries are reviewed regularly and, if necessary, adjusted (redistributed) to reflect population changes. The aim of redistribution is to ensure that electoral divisions within each country or territory contain approximately an equal number of electors. The last redistribution occurred on 31 August 2017, resulting in an increase in the number of electorates from 150 to 151 at the 2022 full general ballot (with the ACT gaining the new seat). The number of electoral divisions in each of the states and territories is below:

New South Wales  47
Victoria  38
Queensland  thirty
Western Australia  16
South Australia  10
Tasmania  5
Australian Majuscule Territory  3
Northern Territory  2
TOTAL  151

When is the side by side general election?

The last possible appointment for the next election is within 68 days from the expiry of the House. Every bit the 46th Parliament first met on Tuesday 2 July 2019, it is due to expire on Friday one July 2022. The next election for the Business firm of Representatives must therefore be held by 3 September 2022, the last Sabbatum within the 68 twenty-four hour period period. Still, an ballot may be held at any time before that date.

Every bit House of Representatives and half-Senate elections are usually held simultaneously, the earliest date for such an election would be Sat 7 August 2021.

As the latest possible appointment for a half-Senate election is Sabbatum 21 May 2022, the latest possible date for a simultaneous (half-Senate and House of Representatives) ballot is also Sabbatum 21 May 2022.

For more information

House of Representatives Practise , seventh edn, Section of the House of Representatives, Canberra, 2018,
pp. 85–106.

Australian Balloter Commission website: world wide

Paradigm courtesy of Arthur Mostead, AEC.

Timetable for general elections


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