if I Ever See You in My Gym Again

At Complete Physio we are committed to getting y'all back to the gym and exercising safely. Many exercise habits have changed significantly during the COVID-19 lockdown. In this weblog, our physiotherapist, Reece Noble, who specialises in Strength & Conditioning, lays out his vii tips for a successful return to the gym.

Many gyms beyond the state have reopened and people returning to their previous exercise regimes. Others may exist adapting to the 'new normal' such as working and exercising from abode. Either way, the principles discussed in this weblog should help you adapt safely to your new exercise plan.

Hopefully, many out there have managed to stay active over the lockdown. For many domicile training has replaced their previous gym and practise classes. Withal, information from sources such as Fitbit, shows that overall there has been an average 12% drop in activity levels by their users over the lockdown period [ane].

In addition many have struggled to practise to the same intensity they normally would in the gym through a lack of access to resistance training equipment, in that location is potential for overload injuries when returning to the gym.

The extent to which musculus strength decreases over the course of a number of months (such every bit the electric current lockdown period) is non fully understood, particularly in recreational trained athletes/gym-goers.

I 2013 Meta-Assay by McMaster & colleagues [two] looked at the effects of long detraining periods in elite rugby and American Football athletes and found the post-obit:

  • nineteen% subtract in overall strength in breaks between 10-16 weeks
  • 40% reduction in shoulder strength

In this review, other training continued which may have blunted the full detraining furnishings somewhat. Adding this to the 300% greater injury rate seen in the opening circular of the German Bundesliga in late May [3] and the alert signs are in that location for a steady return to exercise, especially at high intensity.

Farther to just looking at muscular health, our tendons and os alter via exposure to loading, both increased and decreased. Enquiry shows usa that these tissues have around 48-72 hours to recover from a bout of heavy loading, specially plyometric loading (i.e. jumping) [iv], then respect must be given to this when planning for a return to a full gym program.

And so, where does this leave yous in planning for a return to the gym?

Overall, the main message is to fix a solid foundation for yourself to get back to training. Don't just bound straight back in where you left off, that is a guaranteed recipe for injury!

Here are seven bones guidelines to stick to, to maximise your chances of a safe and effective render to the gym.

one. Give yourself at least 48hours between sessions.

Or more basically – limit yourself to 3 days a calendar week for the beginning 2 weeks. This will give all of your tissues time to adapt to the higher load you are placing on them.

2. Driblet your weights to 50% of what you were doing (pre lockdown) and increase past a fix percentage each week.

Your early focus should be on course, not high loading/intensity. If y'all accept remained somewhat agile during the lockdown, a fifteen% increase per week should exist achievable, meaning you will be back to your full weights at week iv.

If y'all have been sedentary during the lockdown, stick to a 10% increase per week, meaning week 6 should be the start week y'all are anywhere about your pre-lock down weights.

3. Judge your number of reps by intensity levels, rather than numbers.

If 10/10 is full intensity, meaning failure, then offset at half dozen/x intensity and increase by no more than than 1/10 per week, as a guide.
– 10/10 = failure
– 9/10 = 1 more rep could be performed
– eight/x = 2 more reps could be performed
– seven/x = 4 more reps
– 6/10 = 6 more than reps

4. A targeted warm-upward focused on mobility and activation.

My Instagram alive video that I did for Complete Pilates shows a mutual warm-up I would perform at the start of a gym session. It focuses on mobility and activation of fundamental joints and musculus groups.

This style of warm-up tin be used before whatsoever session, but it is especially important in periods such as this when activity levels have dropped off and nosotros have often been sedentary (i.east sitting a lot).

5. Be very considerate with re-starting plyometrics.

Any jumping, hopping or skipping tasks should be re-added charily. By far the biggest loads on tendons and bones are through plyometric exercises and as outlined above, these can have 72 hours to recover from.

If you have stayed active but not doing plyometric exercise through lockdown, limit these activities to twice a week and limit foot contacts (i.e. how many times your foot hits the ground) to 40 each foot, then increase by no more than 10% weekly. If you have been inactive over lockdown, wait until week 3 of your gym return and follow the guidelines in a higher place.

half-dozen. Sleep and swallow well.

Sleep is by far the all-time recovery tool known to man, information technology'southward also free and enjoyable! Getting your 7-9 hours in is important at all times but specially when exercising.

Further to this, if your calorie output through exercise goes upwardly, y'all need to give your torso the nutrients to recover from the college level of practice. Of grade, if over lockdown y'all may have gained a few pounds, a responsible calorie deficit is the best way to safely take them off.

7. Respect any niggles and encounter your physio if any pain persists. If y'all starting time to experience any pain on your render to the gym, see a professional person ASAP to get it sorted and get you back on track.


Hopefully, these tips will guide you through a condom and injury-costless return to the gym. If a physiotherapy assessment is required, Reece works from our clinics on Fulham Road (Chelsea clinic) and the city (Broadgate clinic).

For more information or to volume a physiotherapy appointment delight call 020 7482 3875 or email info@consummate-physio.co.uk.


Fitbit-Staff. The Impact Of Coronavirus On Global Activity. 2020 21 May

McMaster, D.T., et al., The development, memory and decay rates of strength and power in elite rugby union, rugby league and American football. Sports Medicine, 2013. 43(5): p. 367-384.

Mason, J. The Bundesliga Blueprint: early lessons from the return of German language football. 2020 May 20; Available from:

Tardioli, A., P. Malliaras, and N. Maffulli, Immediate and brusk-term effects of do on tendon structure: biochemical, biomechanical and imaging responses. British medical message, 2012. 103(one): p. 169-202.


Source: https://complete-physio.co.uk/returning-to-gym-after-lockdown-tips/

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